Classroom Teacher

The best part about the new iPad 3 for Teachers is…

Apple recently released the new iPad 3 and since I use a lot of classroom technology, the question came up in the staff room – are you going to get the new iPad?

This post is the second post in a series about the new iPad 3. Here are some quick links around the series:

  1. Reasons why teachers should use their iPad in the classroom
  2. The best part about the new iPad 3 announcement for schools and teachers.
  • The next post is on why I bought the iPad 3 anyway.
  • I wrote this series by talking to my computer using Dragon NaturallySpeaking. (Click here to see how many word recognition errors Dragon NaturallySpeaking made this time.)
  • 1. Here are some reasons why teachers should use their iPad in the classroom.

    2. So what’s the best part about the new iPad 3 for teachers?

    The fact that they dropped the price of the old iPad 2.

    The new iPad is available for pre-ordering right now and will be launched in Canada at the same time as the US (March 16). They’re also rolling out 25 more countries on March 23. No need to drive across the border to pick up the new iPad 3 (so I don’t have to worry about doing that over the March Break.)

    The one reason why you might consider upgrading to the new iPad in your classroom is because of the new voice-recognition feature that they built into the software keyboard.

    Is this worth the $100 difference between an iPad 2 ($399 US) and an iPad 3 ($499 US)? No.

    I wrote this series on whether teachers should upgrade to the new iPad 3 by dictating to my computer using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5 Premium Wireless.

    Photo Credit: Big Stock Photo Dollar Bill image-10686

    iPad in the Classroom: If the new iPad 3 isn’t worth upgrading for teachers and students, and the best part of the iPad 3 is the $100 price drop in the old iPad 2, then find out why I bought the iPad 3 anyway.

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