Classroom Teacher

Blogging in the Classroom

UPDATED June 14, 2019: It’s kind of nostalgic to go back in time and read some of the first posts on this site.

Here’s the original post from 2008!

Blogs (weblogs) are a great social media tool to communicate with the world, publish your work, and to interact with people around the world.

According to (which is the Google of blogs), there are currently over 112.8 million blogs in the world today.

A blog is like your own personal soapbox from which you can shout your message out into the world. You can blog about anything: your cats, your life, or your hobbies.

However, the best part about blogging is that if you generate interesting content, you can attract people who want to read your stuff. It’s the ultimate in self-publishing.

So, it makes sense that teachers are exploring ways to safely bring blogging into the classroom. Publishing work online in a blog gives students an authentic reason for writing.

About this Site

Why go through the writing process because your teacher told you to? Why not carefully revise and edit your work with the goal of publishing it online to share it with the world?

We started blogging in our classroom back in May 2006. Over the last few years, we’ve launched a few sites, published some student work, and basically experimented with technology in the classroom.

We are launching as the hub of our online learning experiments.

Over the next little while, we’re going to be consolidating our work into our teacher-resource site, will be our online journal where we plan on sharing our experiences. By creating a home-base, hopefully, we’ll be able to network with other teachers and educators to share best-practices.

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