Classroom Teacher

March Break and Getting Unstuck

Sometimes, it’s hard to get unstuck.

My buddy suggested getting out of the house. Hang out in a coffee shop and work away on the free wifi. So, here we are – double double in hand, and marking bins left at home.

Here are 10 things that I want to think about over the next little bit:

  1. Google Classroom and why I love it (mostly.)
  2. Google Maps as a research tool
  3. Trello as a way to organize life
  4. How to explicitly teach planning to students
  5. Voice dictation into Google Docs
  6. Keyboard shortcuts that make life better for students
  7. Free typing programs. Where are they hiding.
  8. Google Chromebooks, and why I still love them in the classroom.
  9. Bloom’s Taxonomy and digital literacy
  10. Three things I wish Google Slideshow could do (that Powerpoint does better.)

There we go. That’s my future vision of where I want to be. I will be “unstuck” when I’ve written about these 10 ideas. Go team.

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