If you follow this blog, then you know that I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to write blog posts on this site. [stextbox id=”info”] (By the way, Dragon NaturallySpeaking is on sale right now – and if you’re thinking about buying Home or Premium, you have until March 17, 2012 at midnight to save $80 on Dragon […]
Does Dragon NaturallySpeaking work with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Word, and Windows Live Writer?
I’ve been blogging by dictating to my computer using Dragon NaturallySpeaking for the past year. A few months ago, Matt asked me how to use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to grade student papers. At the time, I responded to his comment with the following advice: Dragon NaturallySpeaking works better if you’re speaking longer paragraphs. I never dictate […]
The iPad 3: Why I bought the new iPad
Earlier this week, the iPad 3 came out and I just received a lovely little email from Apple saying that my box of happiness was on it’s way. Why buy the iPad 3 when I still have a perfectly good iPad 2? It doesn’t make sense. Especially since I spent the last two posts in […]
The best part about the new iPad 3 for Teachers is…
Apple recently released the new iPad 3 and since I use a lot of classroom technology, the question came up in the staff room – are you going to get the new iPad? This post is the second post in a series about the new iPad 3. Here are some quick links around the series: […]
Student Response System (K-12): Part 3 Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere is marketing itself to the education community as a cheaper alternative to buying proprietary clicker systems. There’s a lot to like about Poll Everywhere. This post is the third post in a series about Using a Student Response System (SRS) in a K-12 classroom We’ve looked at using Twitter as a teaching tool, […]