We’re writing our ebook with step-by-step instructios on how to make a school website or classroom blog and quickly remembering why we like self-hosted WordPress blogs so much. Lots of teachers start their classroom blogs using a free WordPress blog or Edublogs account. And quite frankly, that’s the right place to start: It’s free. There’s […]
Geotag Your Classroom Blog – Show Off Where Your Visitors Come From
Geotagging is the art and science of adding geographic information to stuff on the net. It’s interesting for teachers because it gives you a way to show your students who is reading their work published on the internet. Or, at least, where they’re from. Things you need to know about IP Addresses – Your Address […]
Prewriting Classroom Software: Dynamic Visual Brainstorming
So, we’ve decided to write a book. A small summer project to warm-up with before heading back into the classroom in September. Of course, this is a great opportunity to try out some visual thinking software to help us with our prewriting. We have a huge list of software and educational technologies that we wanted […]
Classroom Education Technology: Blackboards, Projectors, SMART Boards
Even though it’s summer vacation in Ontario, we’re still thinking about ways to integrate technology into the classroom. In fact, we’re considering investing in a SMART board, so we spent some time reflecting on the pros and cons of some of the educational technologies to help us teach in the classroom. From low-tech to high-tech, […]
Classroom Technology Wish List: 101 Ways to Bring Tech into your Class
Classroom Technology Wish List ARTICLE UPDATE: This was intended to be a living document but classroom technology changes. Quickly. This list was originally published in August 2008, with a few updates here and there. (Last updated on June 29, 2019.) How do you use Classroom Technology in your program? Leave a comment below. Sure, it’s […]