We’re in the process of finishing our first ebook on how to set up your school website or classroom blog using WordPress. Originally, we wanted to include step-by-step instructions on how to install WordPress as well as how to use WordPress. In the end, we decided to focus on providing step-by-step instructions on how to […]
WordPress Roles and Capabilities: How to get Students and Teachers to Put Content on Your School or Class Website
We use WordPress as the engine behind our school website and classroom blogs. It’s great because you can log in to the class website online and use the web interface to add contest to your website. But WordPress also allows you to set up various levels of access to your site by changing the user […]
Why we chose Bluehost to run our Classroom Blogs
UPDATE (Dec 2009): Why we’re thinking of leaving Bluehost. Paying for a web host to run your own self-hosted WordPress blog is not for everybody. In fact, it’s for very few teachers out there. If you’re new to blogging, start out with a free WordPress blog, either at WordPress.com or Edublogs.org. Try it out, create […]
Edublogs Scheduled Maintenance
We’re working on our free ebook with step-by-step instructions on how to set up a school website or classroom blog using WordPress, and hit a minor snag: Our edublogs.org account was down. Not a big deal, but what if you were in the computer lab and wanted to get your students to comment on each […]
Using a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse with your Projector in the Classroom
We teach with a data projector in our Grade 8 classroom. And, since we’ve set up this blog, we’ve had a few people find us on google looking for information on how to use an LCD projector as a teaching tool. This year, we bought a wireless keyboard and mouse combination to use with our […]