We’re writing our ebook with step-by-step instructios on how to make a school website or classroom blog and quickly remembering why we like self-hosted WordPress blogs so much. Lots of teachers start their classroom blogs using a free WordPress blog or Edublogs account. And quite frankly, that’s the right place to start: It’s free. There’s […]
Geotag Your Classroom Blog – Show Off Where Your Visitors Come From
Geotagging is the art and science of adding geographic information to stuff on the net. It’s interesting for teachers because it gives you a way to show your students who is reading their work published on the internet. Or, at least, where they’re from. Things you need to know about IP Addresses – Your Address […]
How to Start a Blog, Classroom Blog or School Website
4 quick and easy ways to set up a classroom website, an educational blog (edublog), or even a school website.