Geotagging is the art and science of adding geographic information to stuff on the net. It’s interesting for teachers because it gives you a way to show your students who is reading their work published on the internet. Or, at least, where they’re from. Things you need to know about IP Addresses – Your Address […]
Classroom Blogs – How to Protect Your Students’ Identities
If you publish a classroom blog, are you putting your students at risk? Maybe. The internet is a powerful tool and like cars, glue and the force, it can be used for good and evil. The Risks Here are three reasons why we need to consider how much personal information is intentionally or accidentally revealed. […]
Building Self Esteem – Using Blogs to Send Compliments
Building self-esteem in our students is something that teachers are often looking for ways to do. We already use blogs to publish student work online… so why not use blogs to build self-esteem as well? Say Something. Nice is an example of how you can use technology to facilitate a classroom activity. I remember reading […]
How to Start a Blog, Classroom Blog or School Website
4 quick and easy ways to set up a classroom website, an educational blog (edublog), or even a school website.