This post is a work-in-progress as we experiment with using wikis in the classroom and school environment. What is a wiki? Why use a wiki in the classroom? How to start an educational wiki for your classroom Things to know about Using Wikis in the Classroom
Using Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) in Schools and the Classroom
UPDATE: We tested Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) in our classroom. Read our review on using DDR in the Classroom. I’ve decided that I’d like to experiment with Dance Dance Revolution in my classroom. Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a video game by Konami that was released in the arcades of Japan in 1998 and is […]
Geotag Your Classroom Blog – Show Off Where Your Visitors Come From
Geotagging is the art and science of adding geographic information to stuff on the net. It’s interesting for teachers because it gives you a way to show your students who is reading their work published on the internet. Or, at least, where they’re from. Things you need to know about IP Addresses – Your Address […]
Classroom Education Technology: Blackboards, Projectors, SMART Boards
Even though it’s summer vacation in Ontario, we’re still thinking about ways to integrate technology into the classroom. In fact, we’re considering investing in a SMART board, so we spent some time reflecting on the pros and cons of some of the educational technologies to help us teach in the classroom. From low-tech to high-tech, […]
Classroom Technology Wish List: 101 Ways to Bring Tech into your Class
Classroom Technology Wish List ARTICLE UPDATE: This was intended to be a living document but classroom technology changes. Quickly. This list was originally published in August 2008, with a few updates here and there. (Last updated on June 29, 2019.) How do you use Classroom Technology in your program? Leave a comment below. Sure, it’s […]