“Educators and parents may have been too quick to dismiss boys’ preoccupation with computers as a diversion from their own book-based literacy, not recognizing the computer’s capacity to empower users to gain access to, and control of, information. It is imperative that educators and parents be aware of the impact of the multimedia world, and […]
Use Google Translate to Help Parents Understand What is Going On
Consider your own experiences with communicating with parents about your reading program. What are the key barriers to parent involvement in your teaching situation? Personally, I’m big on integrating technology into my classroom practice. Over the summer, I started a list of 101 ways to bring technology into the classroom (in meaningful ways). Not upto […]
Using Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) in Schools and the Classroom
UPDATE: We tested Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) in our classroom. Read our review on using DDR in the Classroom. I’ve decided that I’d like to experiment with Dance Dance Revolution in my classroom. Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) is a video game by Konami that was released in the arcades of Japan in 1998 and is […]
Using a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse with your Projector in the Classroom
We teach with a data projector in our Grade 8 classroom. And, since we’ve set up this blog, we’ve had a few people find us on google looking for information on how to use an LCD projector as a teaching tool. This year, we bought a wireless keyboard and mouse combination to use with our […]
Prewriting Classroom Software: Dynamic Visual Brainstorming
So, we’ve decided to write a book. A small summer project to warm-up with before heading back into the classroom in September. Of course, this is a great opportunity to try out some visual thinking software to help us with our prewriting. We have a huge list of software and educational technologies that we wanted […]