Classroom Teacher

New enhanced Bluetooth headset seems to slow down Dragon Naturally Speaking 12

To be perfectly honest, it seems a little bit like magic. Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 seems to be working just fine right now with the new enhanced Bluetooth headset. (Whoops, I spoke too soon. Keep on reading.)

Last month, I was having a lot of problems trying to get my new Plantronics Calisto BT300 II enhanced Bluetooth headset to work with Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 Premium. It just wasn’t working.

When I started writing this post, it looked like everything was fine. But now that I’ve dictated a few paragraphs in Microsoft Word, it seems that Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 is getting slower and slower with the new headset.

I guess I do need to call technical support. Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 seems to work a lot better with my old Dragon 11 Bluetooth headset, which is a little disappointing. Making corrections is painfully slow. Right now.

Then again, a few minutes later, it seems to work just fine. For the last few minutes, I haven’t had any problems dictating using the new version of the Plantronics headset.

There are two things I did differently after having a closer look at the Plantronics manual.

  1. I made sure to plug-in the USB adapter for the Dragon 12 Bluetooth headset into a different USB port than the Dragon 11 Bluetooth headset that I use. (The Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 Bluetooth headset comes up with a different driver name: Voyager Pro UC)
  2. I made sure the Bluetooth headset was plugged in before I opened Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 on my computer.

Things seems to be working a little better, but there are definitely times when Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 is running slower with the new Bluetooth headset as opposed to the old Dragon 11 Bluetooth headset. I swear, it’s not just my imagination.

Maybe I should just give up on correcting mistakes.

This blog post was dictated using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Premium into Microsoft Word.

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