If you’re going to buy Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 premium, don’t pay full price. Sometimes, when you’re on the Nuance website, just as you’re about to leave, they will offer you a discount. When I bought the voice recognition software, it offered me a 20% discount which I took right away. (Darn.) Yesterday, I was peeking […]
Windows 10 is coming and I just reserved my free upgrade.
UPDATED: June 16, 2019. This post was originally written 4 years ago when I used Dragon, spoke naturally, and dictated this article. My computer transcribed what I wrote using speech-to-text software. Right now, I’m using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 with Windows 8.1 Pro. But, in a few months (on July 29, 2015) to be exact, my […]
Dragon Naturally Speaking 13 – Save 25% discount
I just bought Dragon Naturally Speaking 13 (Premium). By accident. I didn’t mean to, honest. My last post was written in Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 and one thing led to another and I ended up on Nuance’s website. Here’s what I discovered: The price of Dragon NaturallySpeaking 13 is the same price as what I paid […]