We recently bought Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 Premium. It’s hard not to got sucked in by their marketing. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 claims on their box that you can just say words and watch them appear “three times faster than typing — with up to 99% recognition accuracy right out of the box.” This caught our attention […]
Review of Using Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) in the Classroom
This week, we brought in Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) into our classroom as a class reward for our Intermediate students as well as for our daily physical activity (DPA) requirements. We’ve been thinking about bringing in Dance Dance Revolution into our classroom since last summer, but didn’t actually start to research specifics and the benefits […]
Using a Wireless Keyboard and Mouse with your Projector in the Classroom
We teach with a data projector in our Grade 8 classroom. And, since we’ve set up this blog, we’ve had a few people find us on google looking for information on how to use an LCD projector as a teaching tool. This year, we bought a wireless keyboard and mouse combination to use with our […]
Classroom Education Technology: Blackboards, Projectors, SMART Boards
Even though it’s summer vacation in Ontario, we’re still thinking about ways to integrate technology into the classroom. In fact, we’re considering investing in a SMART board, so we spent some time reflecting on the pros and cons of some of the educational technologies to help us teach in the classroom. From low-tech to high-tech, […]