Classroom clickers are a piece of educational technology that allows you to get your students more involved. You put up a question on your computer and students use the classroom clickers to vote in their answers. SMART technologies has a SMART Response student response system (formerly called Senteo) that has caught my attention. I’ve heard […]
Integrating technology in the classroom Wish List
We’re constantly trying to think of meaningful ways to integrate technology into our classroom. We’re doing some of these things in one form or another (i.e. class blogs and student wikis), but we’re always trying to improve our practice. Here’s our wish list for things to experiment with over the next few years. Are you […]
Review of Using Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) in the Classroom
This week, we brought in Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) into our classroom as a class reward for our Intermediate students as well as for our daily physical activity (DPA) requirements. We’ve been thinking about bringing in Dance Dance Revolution into our classroom since last summer, but didn’t actually start to research specifics and the benefits […]
WordPress Plugins we use on our School Website
We haven’t posted recently because we’ve been busy experimenting with educational technology for the classroom, instead of simply writing about it. It turns out that one of our colleagues has a kindergarten student who has his own free blog. Apparently, he reports on the classroom activities and uses exclamation marks quite liberally in his writing. […]
Technology Projects for the Classroom
Tomorrow is the last day of school before the Winter Holiday Break. So, ofcourse we’re eagerly awaiting our two weeks off so that we can play on the computer more and work on some side projects. (On a side note, one of our students did an incredible job on her student wiki, updating her KWL […]